Item Coversheet
Item #2.

Staff Report 172-19


Mayor and City Council


Eric Holmes, City Manager




Amendment to a contract with MacKay Sposito to complete the design, public involvement, and provide construction support related to the SE 1st Street transportation improvement project
Key Points
  • City Council approved a professional services agreement with Mackay Sposito (Staff Report 093-13 on October 14, 2013); at that time the project had only limited dollars for design and environmental documentation. MacKay Sposito has been providing design, environmental studies, and project coordination for the improvement of SE 1st Street from SE 164th Avenue to 192nd Avenue. The design and right-of-way acquisition is currently at the 90% level complete.
  • Since then the City has received two grants for construction funding; this amendment completes remaining project documentation and allows final design efforts to be completed to 100%.
  • If the requested amendment is approved, construction of the first phase (SE 164th Avenue to SE 177th Avenue) would start in spring 2020.

Strategic Plan Alignment


Goal 1, Objective 1.1: Develop and maintain a safe, balanced and innovative transportation system that will meet the needs of future generations.

Present Situation

In 2013, MacKay Sposito was selected as the most qualified firm to provide professional services to improve SE 1st Street between SE 164th Avenue and SE 192nd Avenue through a competitive selection process (RFQ 21-13). The City of Vancouver awarded a contract in the amount of $942,571. The original contract was intended to use available grant funding and progress the design to the 75% level, however it was able to be advanced to the 90% level.

The City of Vancouver requested a fee proposal from MacKay Sposito for additional services to complete the plans and specifications and to provide as needed support during construction.

MacKay Sposito provided a proposal and fee schedule for additional professional services dated October 16, 2019 (attached). Amendment of the professional services agreement would increase the contract amount by $296,784.01 to advance design from the 90% level to final bidding and construction documents, public involvement, and to provide as-needed support during construction.  With the addition of this amendment, the total contract price will be $1,239,355.01.


Approval of this amendment for the contract with MacKay Sposito will keep the work with the same consulting team, streamlining the process. This work was included and is consistent with the original Request for Qualifications.


Utilizes additional funds for final design. These funds are included in the Transportation Capital Budget.

Budget Impact

The project is funded through the Transportation Capital Fund and federal grants. The project is included in the 2019-2020 Transportation Capital Fund Budget.

Prior Council Review

Action Requested

Authorize the City Manager or his designee to execute Amendment 1 of the contract with MacKay Sposito for a revised total contract amount of $1,239,355.01 for additional design, public involvement and construction support for the improvement of SE 1st Street between SE 164th Avenue and SE 177th Avenue. Council authorizes the City Manager to amend the contract as needed and to amend the value up to 10% of the not-to-exceed value stated herein.

Jeff Schmidt, Senior Civil Engineer, 487-7709


Amendment to Professional Services Agreement 78149
Exhibit A - Scope of Work
Exhibit B - Fee Proposal