Item Coversheet
Item #1.

Staff Report: 009-23


Mayor and City Council


Eric Holmes, City Manager




Construction Acceptance - Pinebrook Force Main Re-Route
Key Points
  • The project installed just under 1,370 linear feet of 6-inch force main.
  • The project also abandoned in place over 4,200 linear feet of aging 6 inch force main .
  • Staff proposes awarding construction acceptance and release of the retainage.

Strategic Plan Alignment
Goal 1, Objective 1.2: Ensure our infrastructure, including buildings and utilities, is safe, environmentally responsible and well maintained
Present Situation

Clearwater Contracting of Nampa, ID, has completed construction of the Pinebrook Force Main project. The project installed 1,368 linear feet of 6-inch force main, as well as abandoning over 4,200 linear feet of existing force main. The existing force main was aging and requiring an increasing amount of repairs that were often in easements within backyards. The new force main was constructed within the public right-of-way.


The work was completed satisfactorily in accordance with the plans and specifications. Contract costs are summarized below:



Labor, Equipment and Material


Sales Tax







The original contract amount, including sales tax, was $310,376.65. The final project cost was $267,700.11, which was $42,676.54 (under 14%) less than the original contracted amount. The difference is attributed to the typical variances in unit prices and/or quantities commonly encountered during construction. This project was below the threshold for the apprenticeship program, therefore there was no apprenticeship utilization goal required.

  1. Provides reliability in a previously deteriorating portion of the infrastructure.
  2. Completes the City’s contractual and statutory process for accepting the project.

Budget Impact
None. Funds for this project were appropriated in the Sewer Construction Fund, in the 2021-2022 Budget.
Prior Council Review
  • Approval of the 202-12022 Capital Improvement Budget
  • Award of contract at the March 28, 2022, Vancouver City Council Meeting

Action Requested

On January 23, 2023, accept the facilities as constructed by Clearwater Contracting of Nampa, Idaho, and authorize release of the retainage subject to receipt of all documentation required by law.


Sheryl Hale, Senior Civil Engineer, 360-487-7151


Project Boundary Map - Pinebrook Force Main Re-route