Item Coversheet
Item #1.

Staff Report: 077-23


Mayor and City Council


Eric Holmes, City Manager




Interlocal Agreement for Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) 2021 Award
Key Points
  • The City of Vancouver and Clark County co-apply for the Justice Assistance Grant each year. Vancouver submitted the JAG 2021 application and will disburse a share of the grant funding to Clark County.
  • There are no substantive changes to the terms of the interlocal agreement.
  • No local match or ongoing costs are required.

Strategic Plan Alignment
Goal 2: Provide effective, innovative and well-resourced police, fire and emergency medical services
Present Situation

The United States Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Bureau of Justice Assistance will award Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) funds to the City of Vancouver, Washington, in the amount of $107,942 for the Federal Fiscal Year 2021. JAG funds are intended to support a wide range of activities to reduce and prevent crime based on the needs and conditions of local jurisdictions. Allowable purpose areas include law enforcement equipment and supplies, technology, and training to enhance criminal justice. The City of Vancouver will administer this grant and disburse budgeted funds for the Clark County Sheriff’s Office through an interlocal agreement. When funding is awarded in spring 2023, the City of Vancouver will receive $53,971 to purchase police training. The grant award term ends September 30, 2024.

  1. JAG funding will help to enhance law enforcement operations and public safety by providing funding for expenses that are not currently funded in the local budget.
  2. Vancouver will receive $53,971 for police training and leadership development.
  3. This grant requires no local match or ongoing expenses, and funding can be used through September 30, 2024.

Budget Impact

There is no local funding match or ongoing subsidy required, and no net impact to the General Fund. The appropriation of revenues and budget for expenditures associated with this grant will come forward as part of the City’s next Supplemental Budget Appropriation process.

Prior Council Review
Action Requested

Authorize the City Manager or designee to execute an interlocal agreement with Clark County for disbursement of Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) funds from the United States Department of Justice and take any and all action necessary to enforce the terms thereof.


Jeff Mori, Police Chief, 360-487-7472


JAG 2021 Application & Award
JAG 2021 Interlocal Agreement with Clark County