Item Coversheet
Item #4.

Staff Report: 233-23


Mayor and City Council


Eric Holmes, City Manager




Main Street Promise Project - Professional Services Agreement Amendment
Key Points
  • In August 2022, City Council approved a professional services agreement with Mackay & Sposito for completion of design, environmental permitting and public outreach related to the Main Street Promise Project. 
  • Over the course of the project, the City has requested additional services by the consultant as it pertains to the project design and public outreach process. 
  • An addendum to the original agreement is needed to cover this additional work and anticipated consultant support during the construction phase. 

Strategic Plan Alignment

Transportation and Mobility - a safe, future-ready and convenient transportation system.


Economic Opportunity - a place where a wide variety of businesses of all sizes grow and thrive.


Vibrant and Distinct Neighborhoods – a variety of accessible places and spaces.


Present Situation

On August 8, 2022, City Council approved a professional services agreement (Agreement No. C-100969) with Mackay & Sposito in the amount of $2,512,543. The agreement covers the design, environmental permitting and public outreach services needed to advance the Main Street Promise Project into the construction phase.



Due to the nature of the design process and how the design of Main Street has evolved from a traditional road improvement project to a project focused on the movement of people, the City has added additional work to the agreement. This includes additional design efforts focused on multimodal transportation, the design of consolidated solid waste facilities, additional archeological exploration work needed for the proposed contractor staging area, and additional public outreach. In addition, the consultant team will be providing technical support to the City during the construction phase. 


Attached is a contract addendum that reflects the additional services being provided to the City. The amount of the addendum is $367,451.91. 

  • Added services are beneficial to the successful completion of the design of a very complex project.
  • Additional public outreach has allowed multiple stakeholders and interested parties the opportunity to understand the nature of the project. 
  • Project is consistent with the City's current long-range planning, economic and strategic plan goals. 

Requires additional local funding. 
Budget Impact
The project is funded through ARPA, the Transportation Capital Fund, as well as the Water and Sewer Capital funds. 
Prior Council Review
City Council approved the final design of the Main Street Promise Project on October 23, 2023. This addendum is consistent with that final design. 
Action Requested

Authorize the City Manager or their designee to execute Addendum 1 to the Professional Services Agreement No. C-100969 in the amount of $367,451.91.


Ryan Lopossa, Transportation Division Manager, 360-487-7706


Original Contract
Amendment 1 and Attachment A and B