Item Coversheet
Item #10.

Staff Report: 239-23


Mayor and City Council


Eric Holmes, City Manager





Adopting the 2024 - Transportation System Plan
Key Points
  • The Transportation System Plan was last updated in 2004. The Growth Management Act requires jurisdictions to adopt Transportation System Plans no less than every 20 years that include land use assumptions, multimodal transportation facilities needed to serve identified land uses, demand management strategies, and active transportation facilities needed to enhance community wellness and promote healthy lifestyles.
  • Vancouver is growing and diversifying, putting increased pressure and fresh demands on the transportation system. A new waterfront district increased multifamily development, great parks and schools, and significant job and business growth continue to attract people and investment to the city – bringing more activity to our streets.
  • The Transportation System Plan (TSP) has undergone a four-year planning process with significant input from City Council, the Transportation and Mobility Commission (TMC) and the Vancouver Community. The TSP has had fourteen (14) workshops and one public hearing before the TMC, and ten (10) workshops and three (3) Resolutions before City Council.

Strategic Plan Alignment

Transportation and Mobility - a safe, future-ready and convenient transportation system.


Economic Opportunity - a place where a wide variety of businesses of all sizes grow and thrive.


Vibrant and Distinct Neighborhoods – a variety of accessible places and spaces.


Climate and Natural Systems – Environmental stewardship and efforts to address climate change to ensure a sustainable future.

Present Situation

The Vancouver Transportation System Plan is our 20-year vision for maintaining and growing a transportation system that supports a safe, equitable, and resilient city. Transportation investment during the past 75 years focused primarily on cars. This TSP expands the focus to walking, rolling, bicycling and small mobility, taking transit, and moving freight. The policies, programs, and capital projects in the TSP will be integrated into the City’s adopted roadway projects and programs, and some will be implemented through future updates to Title 9 and Title 11 of the Vancouver Municipal Code.


The TSP serves as the transportation element of the Comprehensive Plan. The Washington State Growth Management Act (GMA) requires adoption of a transportation plan consistent with land use, population, and job growth targets. Land uses coordinated with transportation result in mixed-use places where it is easy to walk, bicycle, use small mobility devices or take transit. The TSP process began before the Comprehensive Plan update but has been crafted to serve forecasted areas of growth. The 2045 Comprehensive Plan update will be complete in 2025, and at that time the TSP will undergo a minor update to ensure alignment with the goals and growth needs of the Plan.

  1. Adoption of the 2024- 2044 Transportation System Plan will meet state requirements as outlined in the Growth Management Act.
  2. The TSP’s vision and goals will guide future transportation investments and align resource allocation to community values. The updated policies, programs and projects will better enable the City to meet our climate, equity and safety goals.
  3. The adoption of the modal networks outlined in the plan will provide guidance in transportation facility type and design, and over time, create a connected network of streets designed to move people using all modes of travel.


Identifying new modal networks and associated projects will create expectations from the public to deliver on these projects over the next twenty years.


Budget Impact

The Vancouver Transportation System Plan (TSP) adopts a transportation vision that responds to the needs of a growing community including three main investment areas: capital projects, programs, and policies. These require both dollars and staffing to implement and manage.


While many of the policies and programs included in the TSP are part of the existing workplans and budgets, the Plan does include new or expanded programs that will require additional funding in the form of FTE’s, capital project funding, or funding for professional services. The TSP is a twenty-year plan and policies, programs, and projects will be implemented over the course of that time-horizon, spreading the cost. Projects will be primarily budgeted through our existing process using the Transportation Improvement Program, which matches projects to existing funds and grants over a six-year period. New dedicated transportation revenues approved by Council in the 2023-24 biennial budget that focus on Complete Streets provide significant new funding in support of Plan goals. Any future staffing or programmatic resources would go through the typical bi-annual budgeting process. 

Prior Council Review

The Transportation System Plan has ten (10) workshops and three (3) Resolutions before City Council. The following describes the project phase and topics covered at City Council workshops along with the related resolutions.  


Project Phase: Planning Baseline. This phase included: State of mobility, Existing conditions, Vulnerability analysis, & Community input


  • Council Workshops: Aug. 24, 2020; June 14, 2021
  • Council Resolution: Dec. 20, 2021
  • ResM-4161 Resolution on TSP Chartering Process


Project Phase: Values and Goals. This phase included: Enhanced Transit Corridor analysis, Community input on project values, and associated project opportunities.


  • Council Workshop Apr 25, 2022; July 18, 2022


Project Phase: Goals, Priorities and Solutions. This phase included work on project prioritization, policies and programs, modal networks, project list and street typologies.


  • Council workshops: Sept. 12, 2022; Jan. 9, 2023; May 22, 2023; July 10, 2023
  • Council Resolution: Oct. 3, 2022; Feb. 27, 2023
  • ResM-4191 Resolution for TSP Goals and Prioritization Framework
  • ResM-4209 Resolution for Transportation System Plan Big Ideas


Project Phase: Draft Plan. This phase included reviewing the draft plan, plan edits, and feedback gathered during the public comment period.


  • Council Workshops: Oct. 9, 2023; Nov. 11, 2023

Action Requested

On December 18, 2023, approve ordinance adopting the 2024-2044 Transportation System Plan, setting date of second reading and public hearing for January 8, 2024.


Kate Drennan, Principal Planner, 360-487-7959


Resolution TSP Chartering Process (Dec 2021)
Resolution TSP Goals and Prioritization Framework (Sept 2022)
Resolution TSP Big Ideas (Feb 2023)
23 12 18 Council PPT on TSP Adoption
23 12 18 Staff Report on 2024- 2044 Transportation System Plan Adoption
23 12 18 Ordinance on Adopting the 2024- 2044 Transportation System Plan
2024-2044 Transportation System Plan