Item Coversheet
Item #3.

Staff Report: 034-24


Mayor and City Council


Eric Holmes, City Manager




Piggyback Contract - Approval of an increase for purchasing a sewer pipe inspection van and related equipment using Sourcewell Contract 120721-RVL: C-101556
Key Points
  • The City contracts with SWS Equipment through Sourcewell Contract 120721-RVL for Rapidview sewer inspection equipment.
  • The original contract was competitively bid and conforms to the bidding requirements set forth by Sourcewell and the City of Vancouver.
  • This contract also covers maintenance parts and repairs.
  • The contract is set to expire January 17, 2026, with the option to extend to January 17th, 2027.
  • Purchases from this contract for both the van and video equipment will exceed the City’s $300,000 purchasing threshold.

Strategic Plan Alignment
Safe and Prepared Community – a safe place to live, work, learn, and play.
Present Situation

The Wastewater Division of the Public Works Department has a closed-circuit TV van, which is at the end of its lifecycle, and is due for replacement. The function of this van is to deploy high-definition cameras into sewer pipelines to perform sanitary sewer inspections.


A replacement CCTV van with video equipment is estimated to be approximately $362,024 before applicable sales tax. Fleet Service staff requests that the Sourcewell contract be amended to include all current costs associated with the replacement of the sewer inspection van and appurtenant video equipment.

  1. The equipment purchased through this contract match the current City standard.
  2. The vendor covered under this contract has continuously provided high quality, dependable equipment and service that help maintain uniformity in the City fleet and the operational needs of multiple City maintenance departments.
  3. The approval for continued use of this contract will enable Fleet Services to order the required replacement equipment while taking advantage of the contract’s competitive pricing.

Budget Impact

The 2024 Spring Supplement to the 2024 Budget included $355,000 for the replacement of the closed-circuit TV van.  More recent estimates indicate a slightly higher cost. The Wastewater Division will adjust other areas of their budget so that the purchase of the replacement van and equipment stay within the current authorized budget.

Prior Council Review
Action Requested

Authorize the City Manager, or their designee, to approve purchases under C-101556: Sourcewell 120721-RVL for the life of the contract with SWS Equipment up to the current authorized budget. 


Jake Mahan, Senior Management Analyst, 360-487-8195; Dan Zenger, Equipment Superintendent, 360-487-8205


rapidview contract