Item Coversheet
Item #3.

Staff Report: 050-24


Mayor and City Council


Eric Holmes, City Manager




Bid Award for Television Video Production, Broadcast Equipment and Related Services, per Bid # 24-15
Key Points
  • Clark/Vancouver Television (“CVTV”) utilizes a wide variety of video production equipment in multiple City and Clark County locations to provide video coverage of public meetings and events.
  • CVTV spends between $200,000 to $300,000 annually for video equipment upgrades.
  • Equipment purchases include video cameras, video switchers, audio boards, microphones and editing equipment from a broad range of manufacturers, including Sony, Canon, Yamaha, and EditShare.
  • Funding for these purchases come from PEG Capital Support Fund. Under the terms of the City’s cable franchise agreement with Comcast, $1.00 per month per residential cable subscriber is collected and can be used for grants to support capital equipment purchases by designated Public, Education and Government (PEG) access providers.  CVTV is the designated Government access provider.

Strategic Plan Alignment
High Performing Government – a government that is reliable, fiscally responsible, equitable, and open to compromise.
Present Situation

Clark/Vancouver Television typically purchases between $200,000 and $300,000 annually of video production and broadcast equipment. The amount varies based off the video equipment needed to be replaced. The City sought bids based off of percentage discounts from video production equipment manufacturers resold by the vendor.

On February 13, 2024, the City received two bids for the subject project. One bid was considered non-responsive. The bid was advertised publicly in two separate newspapers for two weeks and also sent directly to multiple supplier rosters that included certified minority firms. The bid price was based off of the discounted amount from video equipment manufacturers’ retail price, not reflective of the amount expected to be spent.

  1. Key Code Media, Inc. has extensive experience providing video equipment to local governments throughout the region.
  2. CVTV has utilized Key Code Media, Inc. for a number of past video equipment upgrade projects.


Received only one responsive bid.

Budget Impact
None. This additional purchase authority is already budgeted within the current biennial budget appropriation. This contract will not impact annual spending and will not require any change in budget authorization.
Prior Council Review
Action Requested

On March 11, 2024, award a contract for Television Video Production, Broadcast Equipment and Related Services as the lowest responsive and responsible bidder, Key Code Media, Inc. of Kent, WA not to exceed $1,200,000.00, which includes Washington State sales tax over a 4-year period and authorize the City Manager or designee to execute the same.


Jim Demmon, Video Services Manager, 360-487-8706

