Item Coversheet
Item #9.

Staff Report: 105-24


Mayor and City Council


Eric Holmes, City Manager




South Cascade Terrace Subdivision
Key Points
  • The applicant, Ginn Development Group, requests approval of a 60 single-family narrow lot subdivision and zone change from R-9 Lower Density Residential to R-17 Lower Density Residential on a 4.46-acre tract of land located south of the intersection of SE 192nd Avenue and SE Mill Plain Blvd.
  • The zone change was reviewed against the following approval criteria listed in VMC 20.285: Consistency with applicable policies of the Vancouver strategic and comprehensive plan. That a change in circumstances has occurred since the existing designation was established.
  • The subdivision was reviewed against the approval criteria listed in VMC 20.320.020.A.2.
  • Per VMC 20.210-1, zone changes to the next highest zone require a Type IV process and recommendation by the Hearing Examiner to the City Council for final approval. The Hearing Examiner has determined the proposed development will meet all applicable approval criteria and is recommending that City Council approve the subdivision and zone change. 
  • An appeal of the SEPA Final Determination of Nonsignificance was filed in accordance with VMC 20.790.640 and subsequently denied by the Hearing Examiner.

Strategic Plan Alignment
Housing and Human Needs – meeting basic needs and partnering with organizations to support the community.
Present Situation

On April 16, 2024, a public hearing was conducted before the Hearings Examiner. On May 9, 2024, the Hearings Examiner issued findings, conclusions and recommendations. Her findings/recommendation are that both the zone change ordinance and subdivision should be APPROVED by City Council.


Additionally, on the April 16, 2024, the SEPA appeal was heard by the Hearing Examiner and subsequently DENIED on May 9, 2024.

  • Approval of the proposed R-17 Lower Density Residential zoning provides more housing units and options than the existing R-9 zoning.
  • Approval will allow for development in an area currently served by public utilities.

There will be additional traffic generated by the development. However, the City has reviewed the traffic impacts that the proposal will generate and determined there is adequate capacity on city streets to accommodate the anticipated increased traffic.
Budget Impact
Prior Council Review
June 3, 2024 - Council Consent Agenda
Action Requested

On Monday, July 1, 2024, subject to second reading and quasi-judicial public hearing, approve the ordinance.


Kristian Corbin, Senior Planner, 360-487-7818


April 16, 2024 - Hearing Staff Report
Hearings Examiner's Findings and Conclusion