Item Coversheet


Mayor and City Council


Eric Holmes, City Manager




Climate Update
Key Points
  • The Climate Team monitors and tracks GHG emissions data, supports other departments, and leads key initiatives to drive GHG reductions and enhance climate resiliency.
  • The Climate Team is leading several foundational efforts to drive GHG emission reductions, including the development of the Green Building Program, an EV Infrastructure Strategy, and a Building Decarbonization effort.
  • The Climate Team emphasizes the importance of engaging with overburdened communities, building capacity with youth climate leaders, and serving as and community catalysts to advance the City's equity and environmental justice goals.

Strategic Plan Alignment
Climate and Natural Systems – Environmental stewardship and efforts to address climate change to ensure a sustainable future.
Present Situation
The Climate Team will present an update to the City Council later this year, covering the City's GHG Inventory and providing recommendations for prioritized actions. This update aims to give context for the GHG Inventory and inform the Council about key actions the Climate Team is undertaking to advance the goals of the City's Climate Action Framework.
This agenda item is for informational purposes only. No action is proposed. 
This agenda item is for informational purposes only. No action is proposed. 
Budget Impact
None - This agenda item is for informational purposes only. 
Prior Council Review
Action Requested
This agenda item is for informational purposes only. No action is proposed. 