Item Coversheet
Item #4.

Staff Report 075-19


Mayor and City Council


Eric Holmes, City Manager




2020-2025 Transportation Improvement Program
Key Points
  • Per RCW 35.77.010, the City must adopt a comprehensive Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) prior to July 1st of each year.
  • This TIP reflects additional funding resulting from the street funding strategy decisions made to date.
  • Each year staff includes updates/changes to the City’s arterial map as part of the yearly TIP update.
  • Adopting the TIP keeps the City in compliance with state law, allows the City to pursue grants for projects listed in the TIP, provides candidate projects for funding by the Vancouver Transportation Benefit District, and facilitates coordinated planning between agencies within the region.

Strategic Plan Alignment


Goal 1, Objective 1.1: Develop and maintain a safe, balanced and innovative transportation system that will meet the needs of future generations.


Goal 1, Objective 1.2: Ensure our infrastructure, including buildings and utilities, is safe, environmentally responsible and well maintained.

Present Situation

The 2020–2025 TIP presents a transportation development program that supports implementation of the City’s adopted comprehensive plan. It includes funding allocation recommendations for street capital revenues including new revenues from the street funding strategy. The project lists clearly identify those projects and programs that are intended to receive funding from the sources approved as part of the street funding strategy.

The TIP also provides updates to the Arterial Classification Map. The arterial map update includes minor revisions such as changing proposed arterials to existing arterials.

  1. Adoption of the Six-Year TIP conveys the direction and intent of the City to provide certain transportation projects within a given timeframe and satisfies state law.
  2. The Six-Year TIP is used as a planning and project programming tool to develop funding strategies that include local, state, federal, and private funding sources.
  3. The Six-Year TIP provides information to the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) and the Regional Transportation Council (RTC) for coordination of transportation projects with other agencies in the region.

Budget Impact

The 2020-2025 TIP will result in capital project budget requests as future funding becomes available. The TIP reflects the project prioritization for potential future budget programming of the City’s capital funding for transportation, including anticipated grant revenues.

Prior Council Review
June 3, 2019 workshop.
Action Requested

On June 17, 2019, following a public hearing, adopt a resolution approving the proposed 2020-2025 Transportation Improvement Program.


Chris Malone, Public Works Finance & Asset Manager, 487-7711


2020-2025 TIP resolution
202-2025 TIP Document
2020-2025 TIP hearing presentation